About ShowMeTheRent
ShowMeTheRent is an AppFolio affiliated residential rental vacancy internet listing site. Listings displayed are under management of AppFolio users.
ShowMeTheRent is not able to provide additional information on individual listings and requests for more information regarding a rental vacancy should be directed to the Property Management company directly from the listing of interest.
How do I list my vacancy on ShowMeTheRent?
If you wish to have your properties listed on ShowMeTheRent, please visit to submit an inquiry to learn more about AppFolio Property Manager.
How do I update my listing’s information?
If you are a customer and need to update your listing in AppFolio Property Manager, please refer to the Enter Vacancy Marketing Information help article or reach out to our customer care team for assistance.
70 Castilian Dr.
Goleta, CA 93117